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SELADY OF TIDES says goodbye to the Azores

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LADY OF TIDES says goodbye to the Azores

The cast and crew of SIC's evening soap opera have said goodbye to yet another great recording set, in a place as special to the entire SP Televisão family as Terceira Island in the Azores.

The choice of the Azores, especially Terceira Island, as the setting for the soap opera was essential, not only because of the visual richness that the region offers, but also because of the depth that these natural settings bring to the storyline of Lady of Tides. The breathtaking landscapes, from the coastal cliffs to the verdant forests, provide a unique backdrop that enriches each scene, giving the recordings unparalleled authenticity and beauty.

The experience of shooting the soap opera starring Sofia Ribeiro and Afonso Pimentel was marked by the warm hospitality and invaluable support of the local authorities who, as well as welcoming us with open arms, always showed contagious friendliness and enthusiasm. Special thanks are due to the Angra do Heroísmo Chamber of Commerce, which welcomed us from day one and was instrumental in ensuring that everything ran as smoothly as possible.

Here are some testimonials from people who were directly involved in the shoot on Terceira Island:

Sofia Ribeiro (Joana in Senhora do Mar):

"Recording Senhora do Mar on Terceira Island was a unique and unforgettable experience. The natural beauty and vibrancy of the island brought a distinct authenticity and charm to this story. It was a happy gift, a huge privilege to work surrounded by nature, warm people that I carry with me and wonderful food. Everything contributed to bringing this beautiful team together. This has certainly enriched this project and made it very special. I was very happy on the island of Terceira."


Duarte Gomes (Ricardo in Senhora do Mar):

"Recording in the Azores was a privilege. In this case, most of the story takes place on Terceira Island, but the whole archipelago has beautiful islands, with unbelievable natural beauty and fabulous cuisine. So, for these reasons alone, you can see how good it was to record there. Next, in my opinion, it's very important not only to center our soap operas and stories in and around Lisbon or mainland Portugal. The more variety of backgrounds we offer the public, the more interesting the product becomes. Whenever I'm approached in the street about the soap opera and how 'bad' my character is, the conversation always turns to the subject of the Azores and how beautiful it is. The soap opera has several main characters and one of them is undoubtedly the Azores."



Francisco Coelho (Tourism promotion consultant for the Angra do Heroísmo Chamber of Commerce):

"After about two years of talks with SP Televisão and SIC , last August we got the green light to go ahead with a soap opera in the central group of the Azores, namely on Terceira Island, São Jorge and Graciosa.The Angra do Heroísmo Chamber of Commerce, in the person of its president, Dr. Marcos Couto, immediately sought the institutional involvement of the Government of the Azores and the municipalities of Angra do Heroísmo, Praia da Vitória, Velas de São Jorge and Santa Cruz da Graciosa to make it happen.Entrepreneurs from Terceira Island, landowners and the general public were very committed and enthusiastic about the idea, and so we started the project together with the coordination of the SP Televisão team and the supervision of its management, responsible for producing and directing the soap opera Senhora do Mar.The success in terms of audience ratings among Portuguese viewers was expected and materialized, taking the culture, gastronomy, heritage and natural and paradisiacal landscapes of the Azores across Portugal for more than a year.The promotion of a destination also involves actions of this nature. With humility, simplicity and the quality that is required in this type of action, we took our Azores to the world.We would like to express our gratitude for the magnificent work carried out by the coordinators of the production of the soap opera, who have identified it with the excellence that it deserves. It was to be expected and it was a success with Portuguese viewers, taking the culture, gastronomy, heritage and natural and paradisiacal landscapes of the Azores around Portugal for more than a year.
The promotion of a destination also involves actions of this nature. With humility, simplicity and the quality that is required in this type of action, we took our Azores to the world.With thanks, we must highlight the magnificent work carried out by the coordination of the production of the soap opera, which identifies it with the excellence that has characterized it."



Bruno Oliveira (Production Manager of Senhora do Mar):

"The soap opera Senhora do Mar was a major logistical challenge for production, with a team of over 100 people relocated. However, it was a challenge that was worth all the effort of a team that dedicated itself and managed to portray not only the natural beauty of Terceira Island, but also the way of life of a population that enchanted everyone."








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