More Than Love
More Than Love
- Year
- 2016
- Broadcaster
- A telenovela by
- Inês Gomes
- Written with
- Cândida Ribeiro
- Ana Morgado
- Catarina Bizarro
- Manuel Carneiro
- Rita Roberto
- Sandra Zigue Machado
- Vasco Monteiro
- Showrunner
- Jorge Cardoso
- Producer
- Bruno Oliveira
- Casting
- Inês Rosado
- Prizes and Awards
An impossible love across both sides of the law...
Francisca always wanted to have her half-sister’s life and fortune, so she had her killed and ended up marrying Eduardo, her brother-in-law, adopting his younger daughters in the process. When she plans on killing him too, her oldest stepdaughter, who turns her in. No-one believes in Clara and her father eventually kicks her out.
At around the same time, Afonso borrows money from a loneshark and Clara is forced to work for him in order to protect her brother. She ends up turning away from the whole family and breaking up with Manel, the love of her life. Clara is determined to rescue her sisters Marta and Daniela from their stepmother, but Francisca is a renowned psychiatrist and Clara is now a criminal in whom no-one will believe.