The Wise Man

The Wise Man

- Year
- 2016
- Broadcaster
- A telenovela by
- Daniel Deusdado
- Written with
- José Pinto Carneiro
- Ana Lúcia Carvalho
- Catarina Pereira Dias
- Filipa Projecto
- Lígia Dias
- Melissa Lyra
- Showrunner
- Adriano Luz
- Producer
- Leonor Coelho
- Casting
- Carla de Sá
- Prizes and Awards
A love as large as the world itself...
Pedro has just returned to the city where he was born and spent most of his life, but mysteriously disappeared without a trace for 20 years. The reasons for his disappearance have always been cause for speculation, as he was something of a celebrity in the city. Despite always denying any direct responsibility, he was known for performing miracles on people's lives by having them look at themselves from a different perspective.
In fact, Pedro has the gift of being able to foresee the future. But his visions can be, at the same time, a blessing and a trap. When he was young, he saw his girlfriend Carmen dressed as a bride laying in a coffin and wearing an engagement ring that he assumed was his. It was as if fate was warning him...
Pedro ends up getting involved with Manuela and have a daughter with her named Sofia. Still, he goes through a rough period and receives a serious death threat that makes him leave everything behind.